Dirk Eddelbuettel
2017-06-04 13:19:42 UTC
The recent Rcpp release 0.12.11 addressed a few things which R 3.4.0
required, notably for package registration. We got most of that right, but
the code change came reasonably late which shortened the testing (while the
release needed to get out to address some other things).
So by now we know two corner cases which needed touchups which JJ promptly
put into with Rcpp Attributes: i) "named" export tags, and ii) registration
from the skeleton generator when Modules is turned on.
So the current master branch is available as release via the drat
repo. You can do the usual
drat::addRepo("RcppCore") ## if in .Rprofile this is always "on"
to get it, or a direct
install.packages("Rcpp", repos="http://RcppCore.github.io/drat")
if you feel you can do without the (tiny) drat package. See
for more.
Again, thanks to JJ for putting fixes in essentially with hours of this
surfacing, and to everybody for continued testing and feedback.
required, notably for package registration. We got most of that right, but
the code change came reasonably late which shortened the testing (while the
release needed to get out to address some other things).
So by now we know two corner cases which needed touchups which JJ promptly
put into with Rcpp Attributes: i) "named" export tags, and ii) registration
from the skeleton generator when Modules is turned on.
So the current master branch is available as release via the drat
repo. You can do the usual
drat::addRepo("RcppCore") ## if in .Rprofile this is always "on"
to get it, or a direct
install.packages("Rcpp", repos="http://RcppCore.github.io/drat")
if you feel you can do without the (tiny) drat package. See
for more.
Again, thanks to JJ for putting fixes in essentially with hours of this
surfacing, and to everybody for continued testing and feedback.
http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | ***@debian.org
http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | ***@debian.org