[Rcpp-devel] Rcpp 0.12.16
Dirk Eddelbuettel
2018-03-08 20:35:55 UTC
I uploaded Rcpp to CRAN earlier today --- but CRAN also sent a note that they
will have a forced outage due to a power system shutdown so this probably
won't come out as an updated package before some time next week.

But I also I put it into the Rcpp drat repo from where you can install the usual way,
if you're so inclined:

install.packages("Rcpp", type="source")

or if you don't have drat installed, directly via

install.packages("Rcpp", type="source", repo="https://RcppCore.github.io/drat")

where type="source" is optional on Linux but mandatory for the OSs to not
have it look for binaries

More at https://rcppcore.github.io/drat/

http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | ***@debian.org