井澤 毅
2017-07-07 06:43:15 UTC
Dear KK,
Thanks for your e-mail.
Could you download all the related files from
, please?
I would be glad if you succeeded to get them and send the e-mail back to me.
Data files are var.mat.all.rds and obs.Os01g0182600_g1.nc.
fobs="Os01g0182600_g1.nc" The others are source files.
You will the Rcpp.package.skeleton funcition in install.sim_1.r.
Please make v30 package using install.simulate_R_1.r and then
install.simulate_R_2.r in R. Then, try ge-r_test.r, please.
To make the v30 package, we need ge-r.cpp, ge-model.cpp, ge-model.h,
ge-obs.cpp, ge-obs.h, ge-range.h.
As the input file, we need var.mat.all matrix data in R and
obs.Os01g0182600_g1.nc file in the directry.
Then, you will see the error I have been suffering from for a month.
Thanks in advice.
Thanks for your e-mail.
Could you download all the related files from
, please?
I would be glad if you succeeded to get them and send the e-mail back to me.
Data files are var.mat.all.rds and obs.Os01g0182600_g1.nc.
fobs="Os01g0182600_g1.nc" The others are source files.
You will the Rcpp.package.skeleton funcition in install.sim_1.r.
Please make v30 package using install.simulate_R_1.r and then
install.simulate_R_2.r in R. Then, try ge-r_test.r, please.
To make the v30 package, we need ge-r.cpp, ge-model.cpp, ge-model.h,
ge-obs.cpp, ge-obs.h, ge-range.h.
As the input file, we need var.mat.all matrix data in R and
obs.Os01g0182600_g1.nc file in the directry.
Then, you will see the error I have been suffering from for a month.
Thanks in advice.
Hi, professor,
I am afraid your message body is too large to be sent by the mailing
list. So we didn't get your example.
Can you send me the data and code? I will look into it during the weekend.
Dear KK,
Sorry bothering you much, but I am appreciating your support very
I have got the following mail from rcpp-devel, but no message to
the mailing list yet.
How about you? Did you get the reproducible error I have got for a
If so, can you fix it?
If you were not able to reproduce my error and get the simulated
results, this problem may be involved in the Linux system in my
I need your advice, please.
Takeshi Izawa, Ph.D
Lab of Plant Breeding & Genetics
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
The University of Tokyo
On 2017/07/04 18:46,
Your mail to 'Rcpp-devel' with the subject
Re: [Rcpp-devel] A tough RcppArmadillo Error;
address(nil) cause
'unknown' in R
Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.
Message body is too big: 3231846 bytes with a limit of 100 KB
Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will
notification of the moderator's decision. If you would like
to cancel
I am afraid your message body is too large to be sent by the mailing
list. So we didn't get your example.
Can you send me the data and code? I will look into it during the weekend.
Dear KK,
Sorry bothering you much, but I am appreciating your support very
I have got the following mail from rcpp-devel, but no message to
the mailing list yet.
How about you? Did you get the reproducible error I have got for a
If so, can you fix it?
If you were not able to reproduce my error and get the simulated
results, this problem may be involved in the Linux system in my
I need your advice, please.
Takeshi Izawa, Ph.D
Lab of Plant Breeding & Genetics
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
The University of Tokyo
On 2017/07/04 18:46,
Your mail to 'Rcpp-devel' with the subject
Re: [Rcpp-devel] A tough RcppArmadillo Error;
address(nil) cause
'unknown' in R
Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.
Message body is too big: 3231846 bytes with a limit of 100 KB
Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will
notification of the moderator's decision. If you would like
to cancel