Avraham Adler
2017-03-30 19:55:31 UTC
With the changes to requested form of package registration, I want to
ensure that my packages comply. One of them, lamW [1], uses
Rcpp—actually RcppParallel. When looking through the source created by
Rcpp, I can find the RRegisterCallable calls in RcppExports.src.
However, I cannot find any reference to R_registerRoutines or
R_useDynamicSymbols. Do I have to add those manually? If so, do I add
them asa regards the functions *I* wrote in lamw.cpp or as regards the
function wrappers that Rcpp wrote and the .R files call in
Thank you,
[1] https://bitbucket.org/aadler/lamw
ensure that my packages comply. One of them, lamW [1], uses
Rcpp—actually RcppParallel. When looking through the source created by
Rcpp, I can find the RRegisterCallable calls in RcppExports.src.
However, I cannot find any reference to R_registerRoutines or
R_useDynamicSymbols. Do I have to add those manually? If so, do I add
them asa regards the functions *I* wrote in lamw.cpp or as regards the
function wrappers that Rcpp wrote and the .R files call in
Thank you,
[1] https://bitbucket.org/aadler/lamw